The first is a statement from General and Secretary of State George C. Marshall made to Truman during a birthday party toast while he was president.
“The full stature of this man will only be proven by history, but I want to say here and now that there has never been a decision made under this man’s administration, affecting policies beyond our shores, that has not been in the best interest of this country. It is not the courage of these decisions that will live, but the integrity of the man.” P. 614 Integrity
Note: What lives on after our career ends and our many decisions are forgotten or changed is our character, our character as a person and as a leader.
This second quote is by President Truman about General and Secretary of State Marshall
“He was a man you could count on to be truthful in every way, and when you find somebody like that, you have to hang on to them.” P.534 Honesty
Note: It was the trust that Truman and Marshall had in the other’s character that kept Marshall from resigning during a huge disagreement over de facto recognition of Israel as a nation in 1947. Had Marshall resigned in protest, as many thought he might do, Truman’s chances for reelection in 1948 would have been doomed. Marshall, while disagreeing with Truman’s decision adamantly, knew Truman was a man of high moral character and that he was acting in the best interest of the country. Marshall told Truman that although he disagreed with the decision he would not publicly disparage him or the decision. Relationships and trust make the difference in effectual leadership, as it did in this situation. When trust and integrity are integral parts of relationships people can disagree agreeably and they do not attempt to destroy each other’s character, reputation, or attempt to mischaracterize their motives.
This last one is part of a letter written by Assistant Secretary of State Dean Acheson to President Truman on Christmas Day 1947.
“But the greatest inspiration, Mr. President, has been the character of you-as President, you as a human being. Perhaps I can say best what is in my heart by telling you that my admiration for you, and my deep affection, have grown steadily since the day you honored me with your trust." P.560 Integrity
Note: You really can’t separate the office, title or rank from the person. Had Truman been of poor character as a man, he could not have been a president of high moral character. A person cannot “be” and “do” inconsistently for long. Sooner rather than later their true self will surface. As you “are” so you “do”. A person can hide poor character through a good reputation for only so long. Then their reputation and their character become one.
Have a great weekend and remember that leadership is from the inside out.
Esse Quam Videri!
Carpe Diem